In late 2004, I starred as Kid #3 in the third and final episode of "Buddy Lee Guidance Counselor" on MTV2's show "Control Freak." I played a band geek seeking career advice from a plastic Buddy Lee doll. It aired every weekday for two weeks during prime time. There are four videos that I'm in total—the episode plus three taped endings. Normally "Control Freak" viewers were given the choice of three music videos throughout the hour and would vote online—the video that received the most votes was played. When they aired the three episodes of "Buddy Lee" viewers of the show voted online for the ending they wanted to see. For the record, on the first night they played a music video by Jimmy Eat World to give viewers a chance to vote and "Stunt Doll" was the ending that was played. The whole third episode and alternate endings runs about six minutes. (Note: unfortunately the media player only works on a PC.)
If you have a Mac, you can visit http://www.jonathannowak.tv/Home/Television_BuddyLee_Episodes_files/BuddyLee_GuidanceCounselor_E3.mov.

Also check out an article in the New York Times written about the commercials: "MTV2 Episodes Don't Have Commercials but Do Pitch Lee Jeans" By Stuart Elliott in the Business section. Published: October 29, 2004.
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