Sunday, February 17, 2013

Good-bye Ford Aspire ’97!

Good-bye Ford Aspire ’97!
By Emma Johnson
It shouldn’t be so sad.
My car was 16 years old
and kept breaking down.

No shock absorbers.
A/C doesn’t work.
Brakes must be applied way in advance.
A dent from a car in the movie theatre parking-lot.
Rust on shiny turquois where I side-scraped the car
when I pulled up too close to a gas-pump.
Radio volume won’t budge so it’s always on softly.
You can tell it’s NPR by the cadence,
not because you understand the words.
I’m not informed, but it’s comforting.

I referred to you as a piece of crap,
but I always patted the dashboard,
“Just kidding! Good car!”
You brought me so many places.
I learned to drive.
I moved to college.
I drove halfway across the U.S.

You seemed so lonely as I watched the tow-truck pull you away.
I feel silly being teary-eyed.
But it seems so cold to scavenge you for parts
and throw away the rest.
A chapter closed if measured in cars.

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