Monday, June 14, 2010

BP Oil Spill Disaster

Here are links to stories and pictures taken of wildlife in the Gulf. BP bought advertising space and paid Google and Yahoo to make the BP website the first thing that comes up in searches (in the content area--not just ads).

This probably won't do much, but every little bit helps: If search engines' formulas to find the most pertinent information are partially based on how many pages link to them, then my hope is to increase the number of links and raise important articles to the top of searches. Instead of being directed to BP's new advertising campaign, I'd like to see news organizations at the top--and pictures and stories of what's really happening.

Photos by Charlie Riedel of AP; 2nd photo enhanced by Maddowblog
The MaddowBlog
8 pictures by Charlie Riedel of AP
YouTube video slideshow
The Huffington Post-Gulf Oil Spill
The New York Times 
The Daily KOS
PBS-Live oil cam feed
The Washington Post-Eugene Robinson
The Daily Beast