Saturday, March 21, 2009


At the Hall of Ideas in Midland, Michigan, there is a machine where you can take out a piece of paper coated with diazonium and coupling compounds, put your hand on it while exposing it to a special light (causing a chemical reaction), and process it. The first one I did yesterday. The second one I did a little over a month ago--notice how it fades from navy blue to a lime green over time. Midland, Michigan revolves around Dow Chemical Company and Dow Corning. There are many houses that have signs in the window that read: Home of a Chemic. Everyone loves chemistry here.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Design It! We Have Photoshop Button

These are 2 pictures of the same 1" button. One displays the edge to be printed on the side. They promote the Brooklyn-based design studio I adore and interned for, We Have Photoshop, as well as graphic design in general!